Local setup using NPM
Clone the platform repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/credebl/platform.git cd platform
Create a .env file and set the required environment variables as per the .env.sample
Install the pnpm package using the following command if it isn’t already installed on your machine:
npm install -g pnpm
Install dependencies
pnpm i
Keep your database schema in sync with your Prisma schema as it evolves and Maintain existing data in your database.
cd libs/prisma-service/ npx prisma migrate deploy
Generate Prisma Client to access schema model with the following command:
npx prisma generate
For initial master table entry create a credebl-master-table.json file at lib/prisma-service/prisma/data and set the required variables as per the credebl-master-table.json
file.run following command.
npx prisma db seed
To start the API gateway
pnpm run start
To start all microservices using below command followed by microservice name, example: start user service.
pnpm run start user
Access the Platform API by navigating to:
Using swagger to access platform API
If you’re running docker locally, access the CREDEBL platform swagger dashboard through the API gateway on port 5000.